Uprise Energy and the Internet of Things


Technology, in general, is advancing at an exponential rate. The advancements we have made in just the last 5 years are mind blowing. A lot of us can remember a time when there wasn’t an internet. Now the Internet “lives” in the devices we carry around with us as well as in things such as our appliances, our thermostats, our toys, our cars, etc. Do you have a question about anything at all? Just ask Alexa or Siri or Google assistant or Cortana and get the answer instantly without interrupting whatever you are doing.

In general, the integration of this kind of technology into the objects we interact with is referred to as the “Internet of Things” (or “IoT”). The devices which provide this service are referred to as IoT enabled devices.

Actual internal communications components being assembled.

Actual internal communications components being assembled.

In some cases, IoT technology completely revolutionizes the way we use an item. For example, smart TVs have the ability to connect to streaming services, make video calls, and learn the shows you like to make custom recommendations to you.

Uprise Energy portable wind turbines will be fully functional IoT devices.

Why are we doing this?

In many field applications, off grid customers in need of on site renewable energy can also require reliable communication access, such as cellular service, internet connection, or satellite communications for areas where cellular isn’t available at all. So, it made sense for us to provide these services with our wind turbines as well.

How does this work?

The foundation of an IoT device is connection to the internet. Since we know our turbines can be deployed into areas where there is no internet access point available, the turbines themselves have the ability to be a satellite or cellular and data connection point, as well as being a Wi-Fi hotspot. This alone can help boost up a community which may be struggling with communication restrictions, keep a job site connected, or provide crucial emergency communications.

While providing access to communication for the end user is an appealing feature, the operators of our wind turbines are the ones who will realize the greatest benefit.

For the operator of the wind turbine, the turbines will provide connectivity both to and from the machine with full telemetry and real-time data analytics. This allows operators to manage their assets wherever they may be from a centralized location. For example, if you are an operator managing 1000 turbines, you will have the ability to view the power generated by each turbine, total power generated by all, how much down time per turbine, wind conditions per location, check historical data, and much more.

An operator is also able to control the turbines remotely. They can turn the turbines on and off, raise and lower the mast, and edit the communications functions. In fact, the operators can set the turbines to actively monitor for severe weather alerts and automatically shut down / lay down in the event of an incoming storm to mitigate any potential damage – with no human intervention necessary. This alone sets our product apart from traditional permanent wind turbines which have to be built to withstand any weather that may be encountered. This additional durability comes at a cost to efficiency. Our turbines will just lay down automatically and wait out the storm.

A nacelle being assembled in the shop.

A nacelle being assembled in the shop.

Another autonomous feature worth highlighting is the ability for our turbines to self-diagnose and monitor their own health. Using the integrated IoT communications features the turbines can alert their operators when service is required.

Leveraging the same technology, Uprise Energy has the ability to monitor all the turbines deployed around the world at all times. This allows us to gather a tremendous amount of data for analysis. We can use this to identify trends in turbine performance. For example, applying machine learning techniques, we can use predictive analysis to identify potential problems prior to them occurring and proactively take preventative action if necessary. With Uprise Energy as the parent company, owner / operators will have a partner dedicated to ensuring ongoing performance. The ability of the turbines to provide real-time data is what makes this possible.   

What are your thoughts about IoT devices? Do you think having a WiFi connected barbecue grill is cool or silly and unnecessary? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.

…and happy Valentines Day!