Uprise Energy has developed a unique Energy Conversion System that will yield substantial improvements in wind turbine performance.
The energy of a wind gust is typically 8 times that of the steady wind flow. A modern wind turbine has constraints preventing it from capturing the increased energy in a wind gust. A modern wind turbine, on average, captures 25% of the available kinetic energy from wind flow.
Wind turbines are slow to respond to changes in wind speed and direction, and as a result are not prepared to capture the full potential of a wind gust. In addition, as wind speeds vary, the wind turbine blades, rotor, and generator change RPM. Expensive and inefficient equipment is required to fix the generator output so that it can be connected to the grid.
Uprise Energy has conceptualized an Energy Conversion System which prepares the machine for a gust, optimizes its rotor RPM, and drives the generator at grid synchronous speeds. This system eliminates the need for costly transformers, static inverters, gearboxes and purpose built permanent magnet generators. The Uprise Energy solution will have less complexity, superior performance at a comparable cost and lower ongoing operating & maintenance expense.
The Energy Conversion System (ECS) incorporates four main elements.
- Utilization of a wind detecting laser system to predict an oncoming wind gust. Information from the laser will indicate gust velocity, direction, and duration. The machine will turn to face the oncoming wind, and allow the blades to rotate and pitch to optimize blade RPM.
- Utilization of a hydrostatic transmission, which will allow variable rotor RPM, while maintaining constant generator RPM.
- Utilization of an AC synchronous generator.
- Utilization of load control thru proprietary programming.
The Uprise Energy Conversion System can be incorporated in any new wind machine, as well as retro fitted to existing machines. The increase in wind gust energy capture is assured, and is expected to double annual output.