Exceptional efficiency charged with smart programming results in unmatched performance.
Capable of providing enough power for up to 15 average American homes, the Mobile Power Station has been designed to excel in low wind-speed environments commonly found where people live and work.
The Mobile Power Station is purposely designed to extract as much energy from the wind as possible and keep parasitic losses to a minimum during the delivery process. Every component of the wind turbine has been examined in excruciating detail and refined to achieve the highest possible performance. The culmination of these efforts results in meaningful gains across a range of systems and establishes a new bar for wind energy performance.
As opposed to its traditional counterparts that fight Mother Nature, the Mobile Power Station gracefully dances with the wind. Hundreds of times per second, on-board electronics check to ensure the relationship between rotor speed and wind speed is optimized for maximum power generation. In a market that is typically differentiated by a few percentage points, this unique approach that exploits the exponential power in wind gusts, has the potential to produce up to 400% more power than that of currently available wind machines without violating the laws of physics.
The most significant breakthrough in increasing energy capture is the ability of the Mobile Power Station to
"Dance with the Wind™"
Unprecedented aerodynamic efficiency is complimented with proprietary programming that instructs the rotor to move in harmony with the wind, effectively capturing the exponential energy available as wind speed increases.
Low Cost Power
In a nominal wind speed of 4.5m/s (10mph), power will be generated for less than utility power rates, solar energy, and a fraction the cost of diesel powered generators, and it only gets better - very quickly - with increased wind speed due to the exponential power available.
This is what sets the Uprise Energy wind turbine apart from others:
Proprietary programming instructs the machine to “Dance With the Wind™” capturing the exponential energy available in wind gusts by maintaining the optimum relationship between rotor speed and wind speed
Full-Foil blade shape with unmatched aerodynamic efficiency, designed without constraints, for low wind speed performance
Custom alternator engineered for low speed efficiency (negligible cogging)
Drivetrain engineered to minimize parasitic losses