Wind Turbine Performance Exceeding Expectations

We have very exciting news to share! One of the primary benefits of our Portable Wind Turbine is the fact that it will generate electricity in much lower wind speed conditions than traditional wind turbines. This is possible due to many factors, but two key features are: the efficiency of our wind blade design and our proprietary Dancing with the Wind technology.

In our focus to maximize the energy density of our portable platform, we identified the exponential growth of power as wind speed increases. We knew that to take advantage of this additional energy, we would need to vary the RPM of our turbine rotor so that it follows the changes in wind speed, maintaining an optimized tip-speed-ratio. This is the feature that we’ve coined Dancing with the Wind, and as you’ll see in the video, it works exceptionally well. Recent testing has shown that not only are we able to meet the already unmatched performance, but that we exceeded it by a significant factor.

The video below, with commentary by Uprise Energy CEO Jonathan Knight, spells it all out beautifully. Please give it a watch, turn up the volume, and feel free to ask any questions you may have in the comments section below.