Uprise Energy was featured on "Boom! It's on the Blockchain" podcast

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Uprise Energy CEO, Jonathan Knight, was recently featured on the Boom! It's on the Blockchain podcast, where he discussed his background, the innovative portable wind turbine technology his company has created, and his vision of the future of energy.

Uprise Energy has created an innovative portable wind turbine technology that can be easily transported and set up in remote locations. This technology is particularly useful for powering off-grid areas and emergency response situations. Knight explained that the company has formed important partnerships with AWS, Idaho National Labs, and others to help develop and improve this technology.

Knight also discussed his vision for the future of energy, which he sees as a decentralized system with distributed renewable energy generation and smart microgrids. He explained that this type of system would be more resilient and sustainable than our current centralized energy grid.

One current project that Uprise Energy is working on is fulfilling the California Energy Commission MORBUGs contract. Knight explained that this project involves providing portable wind turbines to power public safety facilities during Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) events. PSPS events occur during extreme weather conditions, such as high winds and dry conditions, to prevent wildfires caused by power lines.

Knight also discussed some other current projects and upcoming things to keep an eye on, including their work with the Department of Defense and the potential for their technology to be used in disaster relief efforts.

Overall, the interview provided insight into the innovative work being done at Uprise Energy and the potential for distributed renewable energy generation to transform our energy system.