Virtual Showcase

USAF Base of the Future virtual showcase wrap up

USAF Base of the Future virtual showcase wrap up

The AFWERX Fusion 2020 Showcase - building the Base of the Future - is now in the books and we want to share what a great experience Uprise Energy had sharing our Portable Wind Turbine with the US Air Force, the US Department of Defense, US Allied Forces from around the world and other innovative companies that were invited to the Showcase.

Uprise Energy is selected for AFWERX Base of the Future Showcase

Uprise Energy is selected for AFWERX Base of the Future Showcase

Today we have an exciting announcement! Uprise Energy has been selected to showcase our Portable Wind Turbine at the AFWERX Base of the Future initiative - also known as the AFWERX Fusion 2020 showcase. This is an event put on by the United States Air Force comprising of six challenges.