When reviewing electrical power options for remote (often times off-grid) regions, there are three primary options one would likely consider: Solar Power, a Diesel Powered Generator or a Wind Turbine. Comparing these three is interesting, but not always equivalent.
Need For A Portable Wind Turbine
Electrical energy provides great benefits to those who are connected to a grid. For the billions who are not connected to a grid, the solution is local or portable power generators. Virtually millions of small communities, remote and isolated, need small or medium generators. Fuel powered generators are high in cost per kWhr, fuel supply is risky and unreliable. The solution is generating electricity renewably, where it is needed.
Capacity Factor and Nameplate Rating Explained
Rated output, also known as Nameplate rating, is determined by the wind turbine manufacturer, based on their chosen wind speed. The rated output can be a high number or a low number, depending on the wind regime chosen for performance calculations. In its current state, there is no unified approach to wind turbine ratings, making the process capricious.
Why The Uprise Energy Portable Wind Turbine Is Needed
here are many niches that could be served with an off-grid, portable, renewable power generator. This discussion will focus on those that do not have reliable power as a result of not being served by an electrical grid.
Project Summary: Methods to Improve Wind Gust Energy Capture
Methods To Improve Wind Turbine Performance
Renewable energy is imperative. While no renewable source is the answer for all of our energy needs, wind energy has its attributes. Unlike the sun, wind is everywhere all the time. Wind power has become reasonably cost effective compared to other renewable forms. However, wind is not as cost effective as it should be.